hip hip hooray!!
at last,, sume keserabutan yang melanda jiwa berakhir jua,,,
exam dah settle,,,
pembentangan proposal tuk tesis pun berlangsung dgn jayanya! huh disebabkan neves tahap power rangers tuk present benda alah neh,,, smlm kul 4 a.m bru la bleh tdo! org len sume dah tdo,,, sy dok sorg2 dlm bilik menghafal skrip,,, konon nk bg nmpk yakin time present nti,,, arghhh giler benci!! yg menambahkn lg ke'neves'an tuh bler my panels tuk approved my proposal tuh plak merupakan lecturer yg agk terkenal dlm mereject proposal student!
[agaknye cmni kot muke sy kalo neves??]haish ape la nasib hang Ummul,,,, nasib nasib,,,
but i'm sooooooo hepi sbb my presentation td berjalan dgn baik...=) n my perception bout my panels yg konon2 suke down kn students tuh was totally wrong!hah tu lah asyik dgr ckp2 org lg!
hukhuk,,, sory miss mai... sory to u too dr.syakirah...=( both of u are superb! thanx to energetic lady 'miss mai' sbb jdkan our presentation today sgt happening,,,sy rase bru hari neh sy paham ape benda laaaa yg sy blaja time tsr dlu tuh,,,3 bulan dok g klas tp x paham pape but today u make me understand all those things within 3 hours! fuh! errr,, miss mai ,, maybe nxt sem u shud ajar tsr jgk kot???
hah lega yg amat sgt bler exam da abis n proposal tesis pun dah di approved...i'm hepi! =)
owh,,, skrg neh,, bee pun tgh berdayung-dayung kat malacca strait,,, sgt seronok! of cos la kn stelah sekian lama menanti,,,=) pasni seri Bijaksana ke egypt plak,,,
maybe kne tngu smpi 30th May b4 i can hear his voice again,,,=( Bee,, pasni xmo naek Seri lg bleh x?? Seri slalu bwk awk jauh2 dr sy,,,=( hope pasni awk naek puteri je,,, i'll pray for dat! tp kalo dah rezki awk ngn si Seri tu jgk nk wat cmne kn? apo nak di kato,,,,
tp yg penting ari ni mmg hari yg membahagiakn,, exam dah abis + proposal dah settle + dpt ckp lelame ngn bb,,,,kegembiraan berganda ganda,,, syukurrrrr Alhamdulillah...heee~~
[ini bkn sy dan rakan2!harap maklum]